James P Hart

About Me
A former suit and tie wearing accountant and management consultant. Now a jeans (or shorts) and t-shirt wearing permanent traveller.
Travelling since May 2009. Places I have lived include Australia, Barbados, Canada, Costa Rica, Croatia, Estonia, France, Latvia, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Portugal, Spain, St Vincent and the Grenadines and the USA.
Other places I have travelled include Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, The Bahamas, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam.
A calculated risk taker who looks a bit foolish to those who don’t know me.
I try to follow the sun around the world. It doesn’t always work out. However, life is meant to be spent enjoying the outdoors, so make the best of whatever the situation.
A car nut who does road trips in the wrong cars. Right cars for driving, wrong cars for weeks or months on the road.
Some old and current projects.
Follow my general travels on Instagram.
Follow my car travels on Instagram.